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  • Regular price $37.90
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  • Satisfies Chrysler ATF+, +2, +3 (Type 7176) and ATF+4 (Type 9602) requirements
  • Provides 30% greater operating viscosity and 1/3 the evaporation of Chrysler-style petroleum ATFs.
Product Details

With eight different combinations of viscosity, slipperiness, and OE-recommended additives packages, Red Line offers the widest selection of ATF available

  • Red Line offers the widest selection of fully-synthetic ATF on the market today
  • Each offer improved thermal stability, maintain viscosity levels, and feature lower volatility while providing the required frictional characteristics of each fluid's OEM-style replacement
  • Reduced oxidation and lower volatility at high temperature
  • Allows high-temp operation without varnishing valves and clutches
  • Extended drain intervals.

    RED LINE C+ ATF provides the exact frictional characteristics required in the MS7176 specification, providing proper shift feel and proper lockup torque converter operation as well as improved oxidation and sludge protection. The use of an improper fluid could cause torque converter shudder or harsh shifting. Red Line C+ ATF also provides the best low  temperature shiftability in automatic transmissions allowing proper shifting at extremely low temperatures and will flow down to temperatures as low as -60°C. The improved wear protection makes C+ ATF the perfect automatic transmission or transaxle fluid for Chrysler vehicles.

    Vis @ 100°C, CSt 7.1
    Vis @ 40°C, CSt 35.1
    Viscosity Index 213
    Pour Point, °C -60
    Pour Point, °F -76
    Brookfield Vis @ -40°C, P



    Safety Data Sheets
    Product Data Sheets

    Quart 30604
    Gallon 30605
    5 Gallons* 30606

    *Only available from our dealers

    OEM Compatibility

    RED LINE C+ ATF satisfies the performance requirements of Chrysler MS7176, ATF+, ATF+2, ATF+3 and ATF+4 while providing 30% greater operating viscosity, 1/3 of the evaporation of petroleum ATFs, improved oxidation and sludge protection.

    Red Line C+ ATF provides the exact frictional characteristics required in the MS7176 specification, providing proper shift feel and proper lockup torque converter operation. The use of an improper fluid could cause torque converter shudder or harsh shifting. Red Line C+ ATF also provides the best low-temperature shiftability in automatic transmissions allowing proper shifting at extremely low temperatures and will flow down to temperatures as low as -60°C. The improved wear protection makes C+ ATF the perfect automatic transmission or transaxle fluid for Chrysler vehicles.